Monday 29 August 2016

Hiring A 4X4 Off-Road Experience in Uganda Car Hire

In the car rental Uganda industry, Off-roading tends to refer to driving that is done on roads that are not tarmacked, that is roads that have a loose top surface of gravel or dust rather than tarmac. These gravel roads are usually outside the peri-urban circumference of a city or major towns in Uganda. Most of these roads have no safety barriers, are narrow and prove challenging especially in the rainy season.
A reputable and professional car rental Uganda company will always inform the client about the company policy governing driving off-road. This should be clearly stated in the rental agreement and if not in a schedule. It is important to also be honest about where you intend to drive as all rental cars have a tracking system and the rental company will know if you lied about off-road driving.
Some Car Rental companies in Uganda do not allow off-road driving. Always perform a check before hiring the car as you may be forced to pay unreasonable demands later. The reason most car rental companies do not allow off-road driving is because the loose surface can easily damage a rental car.
When planning an off-road experience in Uganda always check whether you can hire a 4X4 car on a self-drive. Share the route with the rental company so that they are aware in advance that you will be driving off-road and the potential kilometers you will cover off-road. If you are really want to experience Uganda's vast countryside, Rift valley and Plains on a 4WD, we often recommend that you hire a driver or if you want a safari experience you book a 4WD off-road adventure.
For more information about 4X4 car rental in Uganda, just contact us through or call +256-701367970 to speak to our reservation team.

Monday 22 August 2016

Choosing the Best Car Hire Services in Africa

Reliability in a vehicle is a must-have whether someone is traveling around in their hometown or if they are travelling in a town that they are vacationing in. The cars will be reliable and offer convenience when they need it the most.
Everybody will have a different idea of what the best vacation will be for them. This is something that is going to be very important to consider. They have many different types of services that will be optional with each vehicle.
Choosing a company that provides the necessary insurance is going to be very important. There are several different vehicles that are going to be used for rental purposes. When someone is travelling, they need to make sure that they have a vehicle large enough for everyone to ride in the vehicle.
The convenience of renting a car from an airport can be helpful to them. Some people will decide at the last minute to rent a vehicle, but it is a decision that can be made long before they leave to go on vacation. This is something that can be reserved so that they can make sure that they have what they need.
It will be very important that the vehicle is there when the plane arrives too. If the rental car company knows the flight, they will be able to keep tabs on it so that they are able to be there on time. If the flight is delayed, they will not be sitting there for a long time waiting and can come back when the flight is expected to arrive so that they are still there on time.
Car hire services will take care of any problems that are with the vehicle also. While they are well-maintained, there are things that can go wrong that have not given any notice to anyone. When this happens, the rental company is going to take care of the problem. It is not the responsibility of their customers.
The cost of renting a vehicle is going to be much cheaper than paying bus fares and the fees for other forms of transportation when people are traveling. It is important for them to get a great deal on wherever they are traveling to though. This is going to be something that is going to allow them to see and do more things too.
There is not going to be a lot of waiting time for them to wait for their ride to get there. They will be able to go when they are ready to go from one place to another. This is something that is going to be very important to consider.
Most people only have a certain amount of time when they are on vacation. This is something that is going to have to be taken into consideration, because they will want to see many things. There are a lot of places to go and see.
Everybody can research where to find the best car hire services. This is something that will help them to save on some of their vacation costs. There are many possibilities for the best options for them. Everybody will need to go to a different place and need to have a different type of vehicle to be comfortable
contact us on or call +256-70136797

5 Days Ssese Island And Lake Victoria Fishing Safari

This is a five days exciting trip that journeys you to the beautiful Ssese islands which are a cluster of more than 80 small islands away from Entebbe, but in Uganda. It is such a natural paradise as majority of the island is unoccupied except for the roaming fishermen and the thickets of tropical rainforests which are habitat to birds plus monkeys. In additional to the Nile Perch, other fish species caught on the island include: lung fish and tilapia.
Tour Itinerary
DAY 1: Arrive In Uganda At Entebbe International Airport.
On arrival at the Entebbe International Airport, proceed to your accommodation facility for the overnight. There, you will be briefed about how to best enjoy this Ssese Islands tour. Dine and slumber in Entebbe or Kampala hotel.
DAY 2: Do fishing on Lake Victoria.
Following breakfast, you will head to the continent’s largest fresh water Lake - Victoria to begin fishing on a well equipped boat with additional fishing equipment. Dine and slumber in Entebbe.
DAY 3: Transfer by ferry from Nakiwogo to Ssese Islands.
On having breakfast you will then drive to nakiwogo landing site to board a ferry to the Ssese Islands. Unwind on the gorgeous Island and later dine and sleep at Brovad Sands Lodge.
Day 4: Fishing in Ssese Islands
After breakfast, enjoy another exciting fishing experience on the biggest lake in Africa. After lunch, visit some of the local villages; alternatively have a nature walk in the company of a guide in the verdant forest. Those who would wish to can have yet another round of fishing. Dine and slumber at Brovad Sands Lodge.
DAY 5: Early in the morning set off by ferry from the islands back to the mainland in Entebbe.
To make booking on your Ssese island fishing trip, email us on or, alternatively call +256-701367970.

Monday 8 August 2016

Day Trips And Excursion - Source Of The Nile River | Jinja Tours

River Nile is well known to be the longest river in the world. Its source starts right from Jinja Uganda, some people may be wondering how the name Nile come about. ‘Nile’ is a famous Greek word which means valley. The River Nile starts from the Uganda and flows from the surrounding areas close to the equator to the outrageous Safari desert and up to the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River is about 6696km long and pours its water to over nine countries although it’s more centered to Uganda as well as Egypt. Countries include Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia.
The River Nile and longest river and it comprises of two major twigs, the white and blue Nile that connects in Khartoum to form the core Nile that is made up of Cataract Nile along with Egyptian Nile. The White Nile is the longest and splits into three parts; the lake plateau region, the sudd and the central Sudan region.
The Nile provides power to Ugandans and it’s the source of energy, the dam gives electricity to country to enable them carry out their daily activities. The banks of the Nile are too fertile to favor agriculture and still provide water to people. Egypt is acknowledged to be a dry land but it has been able to do its farming on irrigation and the fertile soils that are close to the Nile.
There are many activities done on the river Nile for instance white water rafting, bungee jumping, Kayaking, boat rides as well as fishing. These have attracted large numbers of tourists that visit Uganda. Once you are here, you get to know that surely Uganda is the peal of Africa. The best way to catch a closer glimpse of the Nile is by taking up a Nile cruise, you will see all the hidden beauty of the Uganda and the experience will be exciting. As you plan for tour to Africa, the Nile must be one of the places to visit before you go back home. It’s a must see beauty of Uganda.
A tour to the source of the Nile will take you through another life of adventure. There is a golf course unwinding along the banks and the source of River Nile provides a pretty focal point to the flow of water from Lake Victoria’s only outlet. A boat ride out to Samuka Island is another trip of itself, not counting the beautiful fauna you will see along.
A safari downstream on the Nile River brings various activities including Bungee jump. A few kilometers further, is Bujagali Falls, the adventurer’s capital with grade-five white water rafting, kayaking, river boarding and mountain-biking. These activities offer a unique way to explore the river banks, passing though farms, forests and villages beside the Nile.
Up along the Nile’s course is Lake Kyoga which also feeds the river with fresh water. The course then leads you to the great Murchison Falls, where roars of millions of litres of water forces their way through a 7 metres separate rocks making it the strongest falls in the world. Activities such as spot fishing, game drives and scenic viewing can make your safari to Murchison Falls an exhilarating experience. Murchison Falls National Park named after the Murchison falls provides boat trips to the foot of the falls that enable you to look at hippos, crocodiles and magnificent bird life. Similar to gorilla safaris, the park at the falls organizes nature walks to the top of the falls for trekking chimpanzees.
From this point, River Nile flows though Lake Albert to the northern part of Uganda, to Sudan and finally Egypt were it pours its mass into the Mediterranean Sea.
Jinja day tour and excursion gives you a trilling experience that last a lifetime, book your Jinja trip with us through or  Alternatively, you can speak to our travel expert on +256-701367970. We will be glad to serve you…

Saturday 6 August 2016

Explore The Wilderness Of Kidepo Valley National Park-Gulu Tours

If you are always in search of your next trip and pride yourself on seeking out wilderness safari destinations; Kidepo Valley National Park (KVNP) in Uganda is the perfect choice for you.
Kidepo Valley National Park is lolcated in the north east of Uganda and is the the country’s most remote national park, more than 700kilometres or 400 miles from Uganda's Capital Kampala city. Kidepo Valley National Park lies in the rugged, semi arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with South Sudan and Kenya. Kidepo Vally National Park has high biodiversity, with at least 86 mammal species, 475 bird species and 692 plant species, second only to Queen Elizabeth NP in terms of its known plant diversity and third behind Queen Elizabeth and Murchison for its mammal and bird diversity. Twenty-eight of the 86 species of mammals in KVNP are not found in any other of Uganda’s national parks.
The few who make the long journey north through the wild frontier region of Karamoja would agree that it is also the most magnificent, for Kidepo ranks among Africa’s finest wildernesses. From Apoka, in the heart of the park, a savannah landscape extends far beyond the gazetted area, towards horizons outlined by distant mountain ranges.
Wildlife in Kidepo is abundant and unique to this park include striped hyaena, aardwolf, caracal, cheetah, greater and lesser kudu, klipspringer, dik-dik, Bright’s gazelle and Chandler’s mountain reedbuck. The beisa oryx and the roan antelope are believed to have been extirpated from the region. African wild dogs have been observed to come into the park from South Sudan occasionally but are not resident in the park. Many of the other large mammals found elsewhere in Uganda such as African elephant, zebra, buffalo, waterbuck, Jackson’s hartebeest, lion, leopard, and both black-backed and side-striped jackal, are found here. Lions, leopard, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, zebra (this is Uganda’s only park where giraffe and zebra are found together), possibly Africa’s largest herds of buffalo, hartebeest, waterbuck, bushbuck, warthog. Visits to Kidepo also offer opportunities to interact with the local communities around the park including the pastoral Karamojong people, similar to the Maasai of Kenya, and the IK, a hunter-gatherer tribe.
During the dry season, the only permanent water in the park is found in wetlands and remnant pools in the broad Narus Valley near Apoka. These seasonal oases, combined with the open, savannah terrain, make the Narus Valley the park’s prime game viewing location. Where to Stay: Apoka Safari Lodge
Within the Narus Valley there are a few simple Uganda Wildlife Authority cottages and Apoka Safari Lodge which is our recommendation of where to stay. Apoka's 10 rooms are large and comfortable with natural canvas walls and endless views across the Narus Valley savannah.
Almost everything in Apoka's rooms are handmade by local craftsmen with comfort in mind; big handmade beds with soft duvets are draped with mosquito nets, hand-woven woolen carpets, extra large plush towels, over-sized dressing gowns. With inside sitting rooms and private verandas there are plenty of places to relax, or step outside to a sheltered terrace and slip into your own outdoor stone bathtub and watch animal move across the plains. Apoka's main area includes a swimming pool carved out of the rocks. Activities at Apoka include game-drives in open-top Land Cruisers and walking safaris and visits to the local community. Apoka is staffed entirely from the local Karamojong community.
To book your safari to Uganda’s best wilderness national park contact us via or call our helpline available 24/7 on +256-701367970


The Bagisu (people of Bugisu sub-region), alternately Gishu, Masaba, or Sokwia, are a tribe of the Masaba region of eastern Uganda, closely related to the Bukusu people of Kenya.
Bagisu live mainly in the Mbale District of Uganda on the slopes of Mount Elgon one of Uganda safari destinations.
Their ancestral origins date back to 500 years ago when Masaba their forefather emerged from caves of the Elgon Mountain locally known as Mount Masaba as a result of this. It is believed that Masaba dwells in the upper slopes of the Mountain where he conducts his assemblies with lower divines – a frightening thing that can be compared to an encounter with Mudange Cliff while hiking safaris on the same Mountain.
The Bagisu community is one of those communities in Uganda without central authority in form of Kingdoms thus leadership is on clan basis with a non-hereditary chief elected by a council of elders.
They speak a dialect of the Lumasaba language called Lugisu, which is fully understandable by other dialects, and is also understood by the Bukusu. The Bagisu people are well known for their Imbalu circumcision ceremony a tourist product worth visiting while on Uganda safari.
Legend has it that the removal of the foreskin was initially a punishment meted out to a man who preyed on other men’s wives. However, when the man recovered, he resumed his vice with such skill that drew females to him. Other counterparts retaliated by circumcising themselves so as to compete favorably.
Another legend, according to elders, points at a Gishu ancestor who wanted to marry a Kalenjin girl from the Barwa clan of Kenya and was asked to make a covenant of circumcision with this clan. He loved the girl so much that he agreed. The descendants followed in his footsteps.
Whatever the origin, the Imbalu circumcision ceremony held during even years is personal  rite of passage to man hood among the Bagisu.
The function is conducted in August thus can be incorporated in your Uganda tour.
Regardless of other African areas where circumcision is carried out indoors with few associates in presence, the Bagisu declared it a public function even allowing tourists to attend. The operation lasts one hour in which the circumciser makes three bold cuts to remove the foreskin before the whistle is brown to mark the exercise completion.
The Bugishu cluster has the richest diversity beyond wildlife and nature. There is Mount Elgon, Sipi Falls, Wanale Hill, bull fighting and the Kakungulu heritage.
This is one of those last amazing experiences that can still authentically be traced on the African continent thus considering it when planning for your safari to Uganda is the ideal way possible.
Contact us for more information about the Imbalu cultures and book your safari to witness boys turning into men ceremony through or call us on +256-7013679
