Uganda Safaris

Uganda Safaris - Gorilla Tours & Wildlife Safaris
Experience unforgettable Uganda safaris and tours with Travel 256, your trusted and reliable Tour operator and car hire agency operating in Kampala with branches in Gulu, Kisoro, Jinja and Mbarara town. At Travel 256 we believe in offering each of our clients a great safari experience. Are you an adventure seeker or just want to relax on a resort island with your loved ones.. we are more than delighted to help you organize a memorable holiday in Africa. For each safari we undertake, we assign you an experienced tour guide along with a comfortable vehicle to ensure you get the perfect vacation. Whether you are interested in gorilla trekking, game drives , nature walks, mountain hiking, adventure sports or prefer exploring Jinja & Kampala , we will create a package that suits your travel budget, time frame and personal needs.
Our tailor-made Uganda safari packages deliver exciting encounters with the endangered mountain gorillas & Big Five game, boat rides on numerous water bodies, adventure sports on the Nile, mountain hiking adventures among others. When you travel with us, be assured of an adventure you wont forget.. You can browse through our selected packages and then contact us through to inquire, book or request for a quotation. Alternatively, you can call us on +256- 701 012667 and talk directly to the reservation team.
Gorilla Tours

Embark on hiking adventure in Bwindi impenetrable forest in search of the endangered mountain gorillas
  • 3 days Bwindi gorilla safari -
  • 5 days Bwindi & Kibale
Wildlife Safaris

Experience Uganda's amazing wildlife under guindance of a well trained guide in the comfort of a safari Van
  • 3 days Lake Mburo safari
  • 3 days Murchison falls park
Adventure Safaris

Travel to Jinja; East Africa's adventure capital and experience the wide range of sports on the Nile river.
  • 2 Days Jinja Tour & Rafting
Bird Watching

Uganda ranks among Africa's best bird watching destinations with over 1050 bird species recorded.
  • 15 Days Birding safari
Mountain Hiking

Uganda is blessed with stunning landscapes that comprise of hills and tall mountains perfect for adventure seekers
  • 9 Days Hiking Mt Rwenzori
  • 1 Day Sipi Falls tour
Chimp safaris

Come experience Uganda's diverse cultures - Learn about their traditions, history, ceremonies, activities ...
  • 3 days Kibale forest tour
  • 13 Days Uganda safari

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