Monday 22 January 2018

Bungee Jumping Experience on the Nile river in Uganda | The Ugandan Traveler

5,4,3,2,1…BUNGEEE! Looking for a gift for an adrenaline junkie in Africa? Perhaps you would like to face your fear of heights? Experience the thrill that is bungee jumping in the Uganda! What could be more exhilarating than freefalling towards the world’s longest River; the Nile, travelling from 0-60mph in under two seconds!
If there is one thing you should try in your life, it’s bungee jumping over the Nile River in Uganda! Jinja which is famously known as the ‘Adventure Capital of East Africa’ is an adrenaline destination for adventure seekers in Africa. With adventure activities like bungee jumping, white water rafting, kayaking, horse riding, quad biking and more.
Let me tell you the feeling of Bungee Jumping, for those who haven’t tried it before.
Bungee jumping enhances the fear/love for adventure in you: adrenaline seekers would love to have more and more adventures, but, those are not adventures would perhaps not do it again. (I have friends who sore not to do it again)
As in other adventure sports, a person is provided with many safety gears, basically, your body is not free. But, in bungee jumping only and only your legs are tied and you have to jump from the platform which is about 45 meters high.
Once you leap off from that platform, after conquering all your fears. The fresh air you will feel it’s none other than the feel of heaven itself.
Since, your body is free and you are falling on your face going downwards with a very high speed and from a great height, the butterflies you will feel in your stomach. None other can match that feeling – so exciting.
As the Adrift Uganda Bungee jumping slogan says; I would rather be scared to death, than being bored to death! Indeed this is the one adventure you should give a shot while in Uganda.
Jinja Tours can arrange you adventure safaris and tours in Uganda, just contact them via

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